Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My First Move to cyberjaya

I was scared to go to another house because I WILL MISS MY FAMILY! I LOVE MY FAMILY.. at least i can visit them? like i will never see my family again!I will actually really miss my cousin [dina].

I was feeling bad because it was not easy moving to a new house you know... well if its far its kinda hard... when it is near it is kinda well... EASY...In the car i was kinda happy only a little bit well... only just a tiny winy one...

I saw my new house wellllll................. an apartment....YA.. it was BeAuTiFuL..... I like it i said to my heart... when i went in the house i felt surprised...I thought i was going to faint but.....nope i wasn't...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

fog in the hotel

  1. There was NOISES in the FOG and i was TERRIFIED by the NOISE in a HOTEL 
  3. Before it was a MASSIVE fog in a hotel i YELLED HELP! 
  4. but there was nobody there…
  5. it was CREEPY when it was DARK and i felt i was going to FAINT…
  6. I felt SCARED and  almost PUKING….. 
  7. It was the most TERRIBLE day in the world and even the hotels inside is full of FOG!
  8. But one of the hotels has NOBODY inside but there was NO FOG…. 
  9. i went inside and i thought it was beautiful but it wasn't..
  10. It was lots of cockroaches and lizards…
  11. WAS'T it SCARY! 
  12. I was looking very hot and LUKILY my friend lola  was there….
  13. she was my classmate in school…
  14. she lived here with me.. she tried to drive a AUSTRALIAN car…
  16. it was strange my friend is here?
  17. why didn't she help her FAMILY ?
  18. I HATE to hear this but Lola's FAMILY all died?
  19. but then we ALL SURVIVED….
                                                      the end

Saturday, September 25, 2010

having fun.

                                                                                My holiday is fun... 
I first began this great adventure.. It was called Parkland. It was so big and there was a ice cream shop called Lavendar creams/cream land...I was sorruonded with wiches...There were like having knits at the back at their hair...I was about to see a lady eating EARTH WORMS on THE grass...HOW GROSS WAS THAT! I was looking for a exit to go home..... I  was scared and this lady  was eating DOGS AND DOG POOP...I was friking out a bit by that...I was looking at all the ladys.. AND I REALIZED THAT THEY ARE HALF WOMEN HALF DOGS...I didn’t know from that...AND I NOTICE I  SAW A WOLF EATING THE LADY THAT WAS EATING DOG BONES....I shivvered.. I WAS TERRIFIED BY THE LOOK OF THEIR FACES....And i picked a newspaper to read what was going on....Now i know it was dog festibles... Oh how i hate dog festibles! I ALMOST SHOUTED. I didn’t notice one of them were grandhy wiches....OH HOW SCARED WAS I!